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Errange is a business consulting and investing platform that helps entrepreneurs to articulate their ideas to plans, provide the services to make the plan real and eventually maximum the profit.

My Role: UX Researcher, Product Designer (UI/UX Design, Hand-drawn sketch, Motion Design)

Timeline: 2 months

Tools: Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Miro

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 Project Background

About My Role

As a sole product designer in the team, tight-knit agile team, it was my role to design the whole product while optimizing for business objectives.

During the development of the product, I was able to get involved in many aspects of the software, including user research, user interface (material design applied) and experience design, interaction design, visual design, motion design and some hand drawn work by using graphics tablet.

About the Project

Help to arrange idea to plan - An electronic and virtual Dragons’ Den driven by a monetary prize contest once a quarter and a forum once a year.

Inspired by the reality TV show Dragons’ Den ( Aspiring Canadian entrepreneurs pitch business and investment ideas to a panel of venture capitalists (termed "Dragons") in the hope of securing business financing and partnerships) , Errange does something similar to that but more than that. Errange also helps entrepreneurs to articulate their ideas into a business plans, and help the best contestant to realize their plans eventually.



The Goal was to help entrepreneurs to articulate their ideas to plans and provide the services to realize the plan.


Design Process Overview

1.Research Phase

  • Explore the similar format from TV show (Dragons’ Den, Shark Tank)

  • Understanding client’s business objective and build the strategy for the product

2. Design Phase

  • Create User Journey and Work flow

  • Build low and high fidelity prototype

  • Hand-drawn Illustration and motion design for user interface

3. Validation and Iteration Phase

  • Usability Testing and Iterating


Research Phase

Explore the similarity in the Reality TV Shows

I conducted background research, watched a few episodes of Dragodns’ Den, learned their business mode and format. The show Dragons’ Den aspiring Canadian entrepreneurs pitch business and investment ideas to a panel of venture capitalists (termed "Dragons") in the hope of securing business financing and partnerships. 


Competitive Research

Zensurance is an online business insurance corporation that helps business to manage their insurance needs using their web and mobile interface. While I was exploring the Zensurance website, I found that they way they offering free quote to clients by asking them to answering a series of questions about their business is inspiring and we can do the same thing to errange.

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Understanding Client’s Business Objective and Build the Design Concept

Inspired by the Reality TV Programs Dragons’ Den and Shark Tank, Errange shares the similar idea but does more than that.

The concept of “Errange” is composed of Entrepreneur + Arrange. It aims to create a similar platform that not only helps the entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to the investors, but also helps them to articulate the idea to plan beforehand so that the idea can be presented in a way that is more professional and appealing.



ideate and Design Phase

Brainstorming and Ideating


Questions to be considered

We listed out a series questions and concerns about making this product during brainstorming.

Marketing Strategies

  • Once the Site is live, we will be using YouTube to help promote the site. This would be a great way for them to bring awareness to the site.

  • We would create how to business tips and tricks videos with keywords that people will search.

  • We can partner with schools (colleges, university and high schools), community centres and/or malls to create an event that promotes the Site and perhaps do a live taping/run through with a panel judge to have people present their ideas on the spot



User Task Flow


Annotated Wireframes

These are the examples from the annotated wireframe that I created. Some details have been redesigned during the future development but this is the main structure and concept to carry out.


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Apply the Visual and Motion Design to Prototypes

1.Use Material Design Assets Panel to create Errange UI Kit.

I downloaded the assets panel from Material.io to reuse the components, change colors, and fonts.


Hand-drawn Illustrations

The Client wanted to put some hand-drawn elements into the website to show user its creativity and variety. We hope the relaxing style will bring some playfulness to them and just like the design of website, their idea doesn’t have to sound fancy but should be unique and creative.

My Graphic Design background laid a solid hand-drawn skill and allowed me to apply the skill to the UI design of the website.

Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, Wacom Tablet


Motion Graphics

I also took this opportunity to learn After Effect and made some motion graphics to add more playfulness.

I first drew the graphics in Photoshop and Illustrator then created the animation in After Effects.

Learn more about the design here


Final High-Fidelity Prototypes

Sample picture for scroll box

scroll to see full page ☝️

The animiation on homepage is not just an interesting animation that attracts people's attention. It represents the core value of the whole website. The text on the illustration stands for 5 steps in the questionnaire that each contestant need to complete.

1. Defining Purpose
2. Defining the functionality
3. Defining the differentiation
4. Understanding the strategist plan
5. Developing a winning team

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